This digital signature algorithm (DSA) is used for generating digital signatures in digital certificates. Only someone who has a public-private key pair can generate a digital signature.
A digital signature consists of two integers, called ‘s’ (signature) and ‘r’ (verification), which are sent to the client for authentication. These integers are generated from several random integers.
First two prime integer numbers ‘p’ and ‘q’ are taken. Then two random integers ‘h’ and ‘k’ are selected from these. Here ‘h’ is in the range of 1 and p-1, while ‘k’ is a value greater than 0 and less than ‘q’. Subsequently, another value ‘g’ is calculated using ‘h’, ‘p’ and ‘q’. Finally, ‘r’ is calculated using ‘g’, ‘p’ and ‘q’.
For generating ‘s’, first a random message ‘m’ is created. Then its hash is calculated using a hashing algorithm like MD5. Finally, ‘s’ is generated using ‘k’, the hashed message, private key, ‘r’ and ‘q’.
The digital signature along with ‘p’, ‘q’ and ‘g’ is sent to the client for verifying its identity. The hashing algorithm used, the message ‘m’ and the public key are also sent. On the client side the message ‘m’ is first subjected to the hashing algorithm. Then a value ‘v’ (called verifier) is calculated from this hashed message, ‘s’, ‘p’, ‘q’, and the public key. Now if ‘v’ is equal to ‘r’, then the digital signature is verified.
MD5 (Message Digest) is a hashing algorithm used in generating digital signatures. The output of MD5 is a message digest, which can be used to authenticate the owner of a private key.
The MD5 algorithm takes a message and checks whether it’s size is 448-bits. If it’s not, then it pads it with extra bits. Then it again takes the original message and converts it to 64 bits. These are then added to the 448 bits to give a block of 512 bits. This block is then broken into 32, 16-bit message blocks. A loop is started in which each of the 32 blocks are processed. Outside this loop, four separate 32-bit variables—A, B, C, and D—of standard values are taken. Then the values of these four variables—A, B, C, D—are copied to four different variables say a, b, c, and d. Next, within the loop new values are calculated for a, b, c, and d using the 16-bit blocks and the a, b, c, and d values themselves. A different equation is used for each of these four variables. Now A, B, C, and D are incremented with the new values of a, b, c, and d.
Finally A, B, C, and D totaling to 128 bits (32x4) is the hash calculated, which is also called a message digest.
Broadly speaking there are two encryption techniques—symmetric and asymmetric—used for secure communication. In symmetric encryption, the same key is used for both encryption as well as decryption. This is known as the private key. Consider two parties, A and B, wanting to engage in an encrypted communication. Party A generates a private key and sends its copy to party B. Hence both parties use this key to encrypt as well as decrypt messages.
In asymmetric encryption, party A generates a public-private key pair, and sends just the public key to party B. When B wants to send a secret message to A, it encrypts the message using A’s public key. When A receives this encrypted message, it can only decrypt it with its corresponding private key. Similarly, the reverse can also happen. This procedure is also known as PKI or Public Key Infrastructure.
RSA, which is named after its developers (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman), is an asymmetric or public key algorithm. In this, the public-private key pair has a fixed length in bits, which can be decided at the time of their generation like 512, 768, 1,024, 2,096, with higher numbers corresponding to stronger encryption. When the public key is generated, it consists of the key size and a positive integer called public exponent, which has some typical standard values. The private key when generated includes these two along with a private exponent and two prime numbers. The two prime numbers are derived such that their product is equal to the key size. In RSA, key size is the same for both keys. The private exponent in the private key is calculated from the public exponent and the two prime numbers.
Once the keys have been generated, they are ready for encrypting or decrypting data or message. The number of bits in the message being encrypted must be less than or equal to the key size. If not, the message is broken into separate blocks and then encrypted. If the message size is smaller than the key size then some extra bits are padded to the message.
The encrypted message is created using the original message itself, public exponent, and the key size information in the public key. When the encrypted message is received on the other end, the private exponent and the key size is used to decrypt it. Since the private exponent is calculated using the public exponent, only the correct private key can decrypt the message. The encryption and decryption of the message requires a lot of exponential calculations. So RSA or as such public key encryption is slow.
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is a block cipher (a form of shared secret encryption) that was selected by the National Bureau of Standards as an official Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) for the United States in 1976 and which has subsequently enjoyed widespread use internationally. It is based on a symmetric-key algorithm that uses a 56-bit key. The algorithm was initially controversial with classified design elements, a relatively short key length, and suspicions about a National Security Agency (NSA) backdoor. DES consequently came under intense academic scrutiny which motivated the modern understanding of block ciphers and their cryptanalysis.
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