Sunday, July 25, 2010

Network level attack - Source port 20,53

Network level attack - Source port 20,53
Some of the ancient firewalls and lousy implemented screening routers have a problem with dealing with FTP reverse connections. For those that does not know how it works - a normal (active) FTP session works like this. The FTP client makes a connection from a random port to port 21 on the FTP daemon. This is the control connection. As soon as you type "ls" or "get" or "put" a secondary connection (the data connection) is needed. This connection is made from the FTP server with a source port of 20 to a port on the client. The client using the FTP native PORT command specifies the destination port of the reverse connection. As such the client's firewall needs to allow connection from source port 20 to (high) destination ports in order for the reverse data connection to be made. With stateful inspection firewalls the firewall will monitor (sniff) the initial outgoing (control connection) packets. When it sees the PORT command, it will automatically open the packet filters to allow the reverse connection to the client on the port that it specified (this is the source of much mischief - spoofing such PORT commands could be used to fool the firewall to open up a port on an IP number that it is not suppose to). Firewalls that do not make use of stateful inspection have a problem with these reverse connections. If we can change our source port to 20 we could bypass the filters and connect to an IP on a high port. How? Using netcat:
> nc -n -p 20 -v 1024
(UNKNOWN) [] 1023 (?) : Operation timed out
> nc -n -p 20 -v 1025
(UNKNOWN) [] 1025 (?) : Connection refused

As can be seen from this example - when we connect to a port <= 1024 we hit the packet filter. Trying ports > 1024 we are bypassing the filter (although there is nothing running on port 1025. What is the use then - nothing runs on ports > 1024. Wrong. MS-SQL runs on 1443, IRC on 6667, some Cisco configurations on 2001,3001, Squid on 3128, and a lot of proxies on 1080,8080 etc. So let us assume that we want to access an MS-SQL box sitting behind a crappy firewall that allows connection with source port 20. How do we put it all together? Netcat again:
> cat >
/usr/local/bin/nc -p 20 -n victim 1433
> nc -l -p 1433 -e

Hit your own machine with Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager.

This is just about straight from the ne documentation - so be sure to read it as well. is execute when the SQL manager hit port 1433; it makes a connection to the victim using source port 20.

For applications that use multiple connections (such as HTTP) you will need to have nc in a loop - so that it fires off a new instance of for every new connection. As this is explained in the netcat docs I will not repeat it here.
In exactly the same way you could experiment with source port 53 - (DNS zone transfers). Also keep in mind that we are only taking about TCP here - think about DNS...source port 53 to high ports using UDP, and NFS running on port 2049...get creative!

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