Friday, May 28, 2010


#ifndef __SERIAL_EX_H
#define __SERIAL_EX_H

// Include CSerial base class

#include "Serial.h"

// CSerialEx - Win32 message-based wrapper for serial communications
// A lot of MS-Windows GUI based programs use a central message
// loop, so the application cannot block to wait for objects. This
// make serial communication difficult, because it isn't event
// driven using a message queue. This class makes the CSerial based
// classes suitable for use with such a messagequeue. Whenever
// an event occurs on the serial port, a user-defined message will
// be sent to a user-defined window. It can then use the standard
// message dispatching to handle the event.
// Pros:
// -----
// - Easy to use
// - Fully ANSI and Unicode aware
// - Integrates easily in GUI applications and is intuitive to
// use for GUI application programmers
// Cons:
// -----
// - Uses a thread for each COM-port, which has been opened.
// - More overhead, due to thread switching and message queues.
// - Requires a window, but that's probably why you're using
// this class.
// Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Ramon de Klein
// (

class CSerialEx : public CSerial
// Construction
virtual ~CSerialEx();

// Operations
// Open the serial communications for a particular COM port. You
// need to use the full devicename (i.e. "COM1") to open the port.
virtual LONG Open (LPCTSTR lpszDevice, DWORD dwInQueue = 0, DWORD dwOutQueue = 0, bool fStartListener = false);

// Close the serial port.
virtual LONG Close (void);

// Start the listener thread
virtual LONG StartListener (void);

// Stop the listener thread. Because the other thread might be
// busy processing data it might take a while, so you can specify
// a time-out.
virtual LONG StopListener (DWORD dwTimeout = INFINITE);

// Each opened COM-port uses its own specific thread, which will
// wait for one of the events to happen. When an event happens,
// then the client window is send a message informing about the
// event.
static DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc (LPVOID lpArg);
DWORD ThreadProc (void);

// Event handler
virtual void OnEvent (EEvent eEvent, EError eError) = 0;

// The WaitEvent method is being used by this class internally
// and shouldn't be used by client applications. Client
// application should monior the messages.
using CSerial::WaitEvent;

// The event-type is send in the WPARAM of the message and
// the GetEventType method returns the wrong data, so we'll
// hide this method for client applications to avoid problems.
using CSerial::GetEventType;
using CSerial::GetError;

// Internal attributes
bool m_fStopping;
HANDLE m_hThread;

// Handle for overlapped operations in worker-thread
HANDLE m_hevtOverlappedWorkerThread;

#endif // __SERIAL_EX_H

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